So, I'm taking a little turn. Here's what will be different about this site from now on: 1) I don't want to write so much about food. Reading back, I don't know how I thought of so many things to say about one cookie or salad. A bit much, no? Expect to see more recipes, plain and simple. 2) Photos. I love taking pictures. It is one of my most beloved pastimes. You can also expect to see more of these--the day-to-day. 3) Words. Occasionally there are times when I think things and really want to write them down. And then I feel this bit of urging inside me to share those things. So, you may also come across a post here and there of miscellaneous musings. Pardon them as they will likely be scattered and circuitous.
Finally, I am admittedly flaky. I'm learning and dislike this about myself. I'm much better at the dreaming up than I am the follow-through. But I'm also learning that life is a process of growth. Writing and cooking and photography are each particular ways through which I feel a bit more alive. So I'm inclined to press more into them. Even though there is the chance I will be inconsistent here, I'm realizing, again, that is no reason not to proceed. So, bear with me as I keep trying at this. Maybe you can celebrate with me when I post more than once a month? Bottom-line: I don't live to impress man. So, this truly can be whatever it comes out to be. And that will be perfectly fine. :)
And, to start? A few shots from a chilly walk at Radnor last week. I love, love a good cold day. I need something to wake up this drowsy brain!

Hooray! I can't wait for more! Even if it's inconsistent and even if it's about a cookie or a salad. Love you.